Walled Garden and Bothy

The main part of the walled garden is managed as a wildflower meadow with a path mown round the central area and some fruit trees and a seating area. Just outside is the old gardener's cottage or bothy. It was used as an art room by the school and is now used by the allotment holders. The back wall of the bothy has a lovely fig tree.




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The Barnes Charitable Trust was set up in 1991 under the terms of the will of the late John Barnes, who for many years was the owner of Earnseat School.
The Barnes Charitable Trust Registered Charity 1002338
Trustees: Andy Pringle (Chairman), Ian Walsh (Secretary), Mary Hamilton (Treasurer), David Barton (Vice-Chair), Helen Caldwell, Julia Holroyd, Basil Herwald, John Stride, Michelle Thear,
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